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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Category: Church Activities

Date: April 21, 2024

Time: 12:00 PM

WHAT: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner is a fun way to meet, in smaller groups of people, in a relaxed, informal atmosphere over dinner and conversation. There is an element of surprise to the event - as a guest, you won’t know whose home you are going to until revealed days before; and as host, you won’t know who’s ¬coming (just number of guests) - adds more fun for everyone! (It is not necessary 
to host to participate but hosting is always welcomed.)

WHEN: Sunday, April 21 at Noon (unless informed otherwise)

WHERE: At the home of a volunteering host.  (You will be notified where to go)

WHY: It is a great way to meet people you see at church and get to know them better.

WHO: Everyone is invited to participate from singles, to couples and families.

HOW: Both hosts and guests will be notified before the event (usually Tues or Wed) with pertinent information, while protecting the element of surprise. The host will provide the main course and beverages for the meal. Guests will be asked to bring a salad, rolls, vegetable dish, or dessert. Hosts and guests will be matched differently each time so we can all meet more of our fellow church!

Fill out a form and return it to church by April 14 at 6 PM.